It end and begins

It end and begins

Summer is finally here. I can’t believe how fast the school year has flown by. It seems to go so slow and then just like that it starts going really fast. BigZabba has had a great year. I am so pleased with how much she has learned and how much she has matured this year. While she is still shy she is more confident in herself and is able to stand in front of people without cringing. Last year I had to walk with her to the stage to accept her Student of the Month award, and this year she jumped up without even a second thought.

We have been thrilled with her teacher. She is fun and creative with the students, and takes an interest in each of the kids. She has been encouraging to BZ in her areas of weakness and given her helpful strategies to help her grow. Overall it has been a fantastic year. We will miss Miss W and her silly songs.

Summer here we come.