

For a while I have been reading the blog of Angie, the wife of Todd from the group Selah. 7 weeks ago Angie gave birth to her daughter Audrey Caroline, who died shortly after birth. Today Angie posted that her 10 week old nephew, her husband’s sister’s son, died in his sleep. Can this family take any more? To lose two children in the span of 2 months….what is God’s plan in this? In the last few months I have heard of so many people losing children, both before birth and after. What is going on? It makes me sad. My heart grieves for this family, for all the families that have lost a child.

We may never know God’s plan. We have to trust God. Without a faith in God this life is meaningless. In situations like this faith is all we have to hold on to. This reminds me of something that was said in my Bible study today. Faith is seen when we pray to God with open hands. Meaning that whatever we are praying about we give it 100% to God, knowing that His plan is perfect. Pray for this family, for Angie’s family, for Heather’s family, for Kim’s family, for Christina’s family, for the Chapman family & the many others who have walked this same path.