Phoenix to Base

Phoenix to Base


For my birthday DZ gifted me with Seasons 1-4 of Alias.  I was thrilled to get Season 5 for Christmas.  I just finished watching the 4th and final disc.  It is silly how much I like that show.  I would have no trouble starting over with Season 1 right now.  I got an email from Lola today that pretty much sums up how much I like the show.  The title was, “You know you’ve watched way too much Alias when…”

Here are some of my favorites from the list…

  • You watch other Lost, the other JJ Abrams show, and call the characters by their REAL names on ALIAS. Locke is Kendall, the pilot is Weiss, one of the “Others” in the Looking Glass station (the blonde chick) is really Elsa Caplan.
  • You CRINGE in the middle of “Pop, goes the weasel” because you have visions of Emma blowing up in your head.
  • You look for homeless men with earpieces when you’re jogging at the park.
  • When you meet people who say they work at a bank, you say, “Riiiiight. Suuure you doooo.”
  • You plan to take up hockey, secretly hoping to run into Vaughn.
  • When someone throws a crumbled piece of paper in the trash can, you suspect a dead drop, and consider reaching in the trash can and grabbing it.
  • Every time you hear the Nokia ringtone, you get excited even though there’s no way it could be Vaughn.
  • You think having no first name is a perfectly acceptable thing.
  • You have a codename that people actually call you by. (actually i don’t, but sometimes i wish i did)