

We have had a great time visiting my parents. There has been lots of good food, laughing, taking walks, special make-up sessions with ShaSha and even throwing rocks in the “crik”. The girls love being with ShaSha and Papa and are taking full advantage of having them close. I am not sure who enjoys the early morning snuggles more, the kids or them.

We took some time to walk around Patrick Henry College, where Papa now works. It is a beautiful campus.

BigZabba finally got what she has been asking for for months. We went with ShaSha to the local mall and BZ got her ears pierced. She was so excited. She did get quite nervous when the time came, but she wanted the “fanciness” more than she cared about the pain.

In the afternoon we spent a lot of time outside. The weather has been beautiful. The girls loved being outside watching, and chasing the geese. It is strange, but the kids seem more like real kids here. They run around outside, get dirty, chase animals, pick flowers, so many of the things that I did as a kid. They haven’t been watching TV or playing on the computer, they have been running around playing imaginary games and enjoying having a huge yard to play in.

While the little kids enjoyed playing outside, the big kids had fun freeing the vehicles from the mud. Papa was mowing the lawn and got the mower stuck in the mud. Then while trying to pull it out, he got the truck stuck in the mud. We had to bring down the 4 wheel drive to pull everything out.

There is no better way to end the day but with ice cream.