Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Disney’s Animal Kingdom was a park that all of us were really looking forward to. The girls love all kinds of animals, so they were thrilled to get to go on rides and see animals all at the same place. I was excited because this park is one of Forbes top 15 Zoo’s in the world, so, yes I was able to cross another place off “the list”. It did not disappoint. I wish other zoos would look like this one. It felt like you were in the animals natural habitat. In most places you couldn’t see where one enclosure stopped and another started. Every other zoo that we have been to that has flamingos, they have stinky flamingos. Here all of us took note that the flamingos were not stinky.

One of the highlights of the day, for me, was seeing “Finding Nemo, the musical”. It was a great small production. The cast did a great job, the costumes were phenomenal. We had heard such great things about the show, and they were all right. The kids loved it. I still have some of the little songs running through my head.

While there weren’t too many rides at this park, there is one crazy roller coaster that BigZabba couldn’t wait to try. It takes you forward and backward, and it can be pretty dis-orienting at times, but she loved it. I only rode it once. My weak stomach couldn’t take any more.

One of the main attractions in this park is the Animal Safari. You get in a truck and they take you out on a 15 minute safari tour. It was incredible to drive through the areas and not notice where one enclosure ended and the other began. They really make you feel like you are driving right through the animal’s habitat, like the lion could come across the zebra at any moment. It was a great tour.

The girls were mesmerized by all the animals. LittleZabba really liked all the birds we saw. There were cranes everywhere.

While we were walking around the girls tried to complete their kids activity card. There were 6 stations with fun activities that all had to do with the animals. They learned about how recycling helps animals, they identified items in nature by touch, how to make their backyard more animal friendly and other things. Once they had a few stamps on their card they were determined to finish. (They are just like their mother, very task and list minded.) The last hour of the day was spent running from station to station trying to finish up the card. With only minutes left, we did it!

It rained a lot the day we were there, but the workers said that during the rain is the best time to see the animals. So while we weren’t all that comfortable we were able to see so many animals. We loved it.